Life through music. When something is important to you it tends to infuence your life and it becomes a part of who you are. This something for me is music; I simply cannot live without it. Through this blog I share some insights and reflections upon the music in my life.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Soon it's a new year and another concert to go to. Now I'm not talking about Mr Anderson's concert at Nalen on January 28, no. On January 5 I'll see and hear the band I started to listen to this autumn. The reason for it; their album 'Tomhet, idel tomhet'. Or, to be honest it was the song 'Dina händer är fulla av blommor' that introduced me to their latest album.

By chance, or something similar, that song hit my ears one day in August whilst I was listening to a radio show that allready had been aired. As I was working at the time, most of the good pop music played throughout the programme (usually alternative, indie, electronica) passed me by as a sort of background music. However, not this one. When the tunes hit my ears, I stopped what I was doing and felt the energy and love of this wonderful piece of music entering my body and how it struck my heart, stomach and mind with a feeling of naked love and wonder.

Moments like that one somewhat explain my love for music and why I cannot live without it.

It's the Swedish band [ingenting] that all this is about.
To hear some of their music, go to their myspace page:
Myspace page of [ingenting]

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The waiting gets longer...

Hmm... the book has been delayed. Not finished until January 2010. Well then, wait I will.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

The release date: December 7, 2009

I'am waiting for a book to arrive by regular mail. However, the last time I purchased something from that place I had to wait for it, almost up to two weeks went by before I got it.
Anyway, this one will be worth waiting for, since I'm waiting for The Words of Brett Anderson. A hard-back book collecting his lyrics between 1992-2009.

To read morea about it, visit these sites:
Brett Anderson's official website
Brett Anderson Online Store
Brett Anderson's official Myspace page